Tuesday, March 04, 2008


This week I am starting to help out with scripture, my good friend is teaching scripture in the area where I now go to church for the church I now go too, BUT she has 44 kids in her class - this is very exciting but far too much work for one person. She asked if I might be able to help out and after some consideration and a challenging sermon I have decided I would be delighted to help.

It's on Thursdays - which is my day. What a privilege to be able to share the gospel with the kids in our local area.

It's been several months since I have done any kids ministry, plus scripture is going to be quite different to Adventure Club but at the end of the day it is all about teaching little ones about our Lord and Saviour - I am looking forward to starting.

Please pray that we would get to know these kids quickly and that we might be godly in the way we teach, and speak to them.

I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great stuff. glad you're teaching scripture.

hope it goes well.