Tuesday, September 30, 2008

looking for a new church

We would really appreciate your prayers, we have been going to a new church now for almost a year but haven't really settled there.

In the past few weeks and months we have been praying, thinking, talking and seeking council on what to do.

It's not been an easy decision but we have decided to look for another church.

It's also not an easy time what with a baby on the way. We have been to a couple of churches so far in the last few weeks and are encouraged that Sydney has a lot of great bible teaching churches.

Please pray for us as we look around, pray that God might show us where he wants us.


kristina said...

Yes! I will pray for you, it is so important to find a good Spirit-filled place to worship. It sounds like your pregnancy is going well. That is good.

Alison said...

You might find having a baby helps you settle in to a new church a bit quicker - I've gotten to know people a lot better at mine since having Hamish.
Will pray you find a good one soon.

Nixter said...

Thanks for praying ladies - really appreciate it ;)

Bonnie said...


Come to ours!

Come to ours!!!


Will be praying for you to find a good church to call home.

Anonymous said...

Just 'next blog" to this place. What I would like to say is just find a church near your house and stick to it. The church is about people. You can be the important person God sent to this particular church. Your mission is to bring more people to spirit fill the not-so-Spirit-filled church. Amen.