Monday, November 24, 2008

gilmore girls

As I am now a stay-at-home-mum-to-be I have been watching some day time TV and I have gotten into the Gilmore Girls. I had heard about it but never watched it and I am actually quite liking it.

So I was wondering if anyone has it on DVD that I could borrow, I heard it might be a good 'feeding baby' series to watch in the middle of the night ;)


Ruth said...

It's one of those shows that so many people rave about isn't it!

I have never seen it, but would like to...

Tracy said...

I watched every episode of GG, though I didn't get started in until season 3. I was able to get the back story 'cause they ran it from the beginning on a different night. I quite liked it, but I was often disappointed by the choices that the main characters make. I wanted to knock them over the head some times.

Ben McLaughlin said...

My wife is GG obsessed. She owns all seven series (it's a bit sad that I know there are seven series..). Yep, she went through them all while breastfeeding in the middle of the night!

Ben McLaughlin said...

And you know what? E won't watch the final episode yet because she doesn't want the dream to be over:)

Nixter said...

Ben that's hysterical that she hasn't watched the end as to not ruin the 'dream'.