Thursday, February 22, 2007

dr nixter = wrong diagnosis and my cunning plan

Good job I am not a doctor as I did get it wrong, I don't have tonsillitis BUT I do have another infection in my throat - a respiratory infection this time = nice!

So I am once again contagious so have to be off work plus I need to rest, I am so frustrated as being sick it slows me down - I have things to do you know body!!!!! So I am once again on the drugs (nothing illegal - penicillin), I have another 50 to take after just finishing my other lot on Saturday. I am actually feeling pretty nasty, all through the night I kept waking up, the drugs haven't kicked in yet so feeling pretty miserable. It just started getting worse and worse as the day went on... Anyway I shall stop feeling sorry for myself and ask you to pray for me, that I might have a quick recovery.

In other news I am working on a cunning plan to get Marla (who wrote from 'Blushing Bride to Wedded Wife' and 'Is That All He Thinks About') out to Australia, I have been talking to various people (who run conventions in Australia and are on various Christian boards) about her books, handing them copies and talking to them about the possibility of having her talk at some different events. Not sure if it will happen yet BUT please pray that it might work (I obviously have selfish motives too), but I think it would be a major benefit to so many women if they heard Marla talk on some of the topics in her books and to see these amazing books get into more women's hands would be awesome. I honestly think they are a must for every girls book shelf. Please pray for God's will to be done and if it is meant to happen that HE would open the doors HE wants us to go through. If you have any ideas let me know!

Right, I must away and rest - doctors orders. Have a great Thursday!


Tracy said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear you are sick again. Get better soon, Dr. Nixter. Don't forget to eat some chicken noodle soup.

Priscilla said...

Oh yucky! Get better soon!

Tracy said...

Nixter, did you see my muscle picture? now you have to post one too. :o)