Thursday, January 11, 2007

mac or pc? that is the question!

SP and I are thinking about getting a new computer for home, we are using a laptop that I brought over when I came to Australia (2 1/2 years ago) which I have had for about 4-5 years. It is almost out of memory and it can be super slow.

So now we have the big question, do we buy a Mac or a PC? We mainly use the computer at home for pictures, internet, Skype, movies, word and excel. What to do? what to do? This is a big dilemma.

We both use PC's at work but I used to use a Mac and quite liked it, SP has never used a Mac so isn't sure.

Any thoughts?


eileen~ said...

Well, I'm not a computer guru but I have heard raves about the 'mac' so maybe it's time to step out into the world of the 'mac'

Hope you are all well!

Nixter said...

That's might gut feeling too Eileen. Hope you and your hubby are doing well :)

Tracy said...

I don't know anything about mac except apparently it is the preferred one for artists, musicians and such.

Priscilla said...

I don't know head nor tail about either.

mike said...

If you make the switch to Mac you'll never go back. I'd learned PCs in and out rebuilt them etc and I love my mac. Much faster, nicer and prettier. Everything just works. This is how it should be.

Lara said...

I was always a PC girl, but I started using a Mac at uni three years ago, and found it really easy to adjust. I bought a new laptop about 6 months ago - a Macbook - and I love it. It's much faster and more compact than my old Dell, and as Mike said, it's just so much prettier too! And easier to use than a PC.

Nixter said...

I am definately going down the mac path. But when I used to work at CIM they did use to break down and then we would have to take them to the shop to be fixed. These were emacs though so maybe the newer ones are better?