Friday, October 10, 2008

heroes 2

Can you say A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D?

SP and I just started watching the second series of Heroes on DVD, we saw most of it on TV earlier this year but for some reason silly Channel 7 stopped it before they had played all the episodes. SO ANNOYING! Why do they do that?

I brought the second series of Heroes for SP for his birthday and we are trying to get through them so we can get stuck into Series 3 which just started on last night. I taped the first episode so we can watch it in sequence!

Do you rate Heroes?


Christine said...

P and I are totally addicted!!
We have both series 1 and 2 - you're welcome to borrow 1 if you like.
It's awesome!

Nixter said...

We have series 1 too ;) I haven't seen last nights yet though - trying to get through series 2 asap so we can watch the first episode of series 3. I can wait, I am dying to know what happens!

Christine said...

yeah I'm ashamed to admit that we watched the entire series 2 in a weekend so we would be ready for series 3 :)
looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Nixter said...

don't be ashamed - we would have got through it all too has we been at home - but we were in Canberra for the weekend with friends and family so it might have been a bit rude to pop it on and just sit there watching it ;)

Can't wait to see you either - would you mind bringing your camera too - to take a few shots? I asked Goldie to bring her camera too, I just don't think I will get around to taking any ;)

Christine said...

sure thing, will do lovely. :)

Tracy said...

I never started heroes. It didn't sound interesting to me...