When I look back now and when I tell people, it sounds a bit crazy. I left the job I had been working at for 6 years, I left my church that I loved, friends that I did and still adore, my family who I love and who I miss terribly and my new Australian boyfriend to come to a country on the other side of the world, to a place where I had never before been, to a place I only knew one person, where I had NO IDEA what job I was going to do or where I was going to live and who I was going to live with... Sounds crazy doesn't it...
I remember the first 3 months consistently calling my friend telling her I wanted to come home. It was new, it was different, it was the unknown BUT in the back of my mind I knew and believed God was in control and although I was uncertain of many things I was certain of God and his sovereignty.
I lived with CS our women's worker, who I just love - it was hard at times, we were in the same room with beds right next to each other, we both had strong personalities but it was also lots of fun and a real time of trusting in God. I kept a journal of this time, a journal of my prayers to God (I just looked for it to write some of my journal entries but I can't get it - will post some when I find it).
I got a job with Dominic at Introducing God, the church sponsored me so I could stay beyond my 12 month visa, I worked there for 2 years and got to travel to many places in Australia. It was fun. I attended and still do CIM and I have learned so much that I probably wouldn't have at my church in London. I am more confident in explaining my faith, I have MC'd events at church, organised events at church, been on missions, led kids ministries and co-lead bible studies. I am very thankful to God for these skills and to CIM for teaching and giving me the opportunities to serve in these ways.
Who would have thought that a 12 month plan would turn into three years, a husband, buying a home, an amazing job serving in Christian ministry and going for my permanent residency... I miss my England home and it will always be home, it was for 26 years and I hope it might be again for at least a couple of years in the future. I miss my friends and family enormously and have found it hard to not be able to be home for major events (both good and hard), for friends weddings, funerals of loved ones and to share in my little sisters growing up. But right here, right now Australia is home. I have met some awesome friends who I hope will be friends for life, I have an amazing Australian husband and God has been very gracious to us.
I love Australia, I miss England - but I am where God wants me to be and it is him I long to serve wherever he has me. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for me, made Australia feel like home to me and for those of you who have been there when I have missed home ;)
Do you think you'll ever become a citizen?
Wow Nix or should I say Zi wha, that was really cool to read thank you so much for sharing it!!
I think I will get 'dual' citizenship but I think it takes a while. I have to have my PR for about 2 years first then I can apply for citizenship..
Congratulations on three years in AUS. It seems like a long time but not very long as well. Thanks for telling the whole story. God has really made a path for you and He'll keep on doing it.
Oh sweet Nixter friend! I have something to ask you, talk to you about. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind emailing me...?!? here is my address...
It's about Australia!
I sure would, just getting ready for work, will email you when I get to work ;)
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